Bandit Loves Foot Toys

I'm Bandit. I have a website. I'm kind of a big deal.

Bandit Loves Foot Toys

He really likes leather. I got a bag of leather strips from Zoo-Max. He can sit there for hours chewing on a piece. Foot toys in general, he’s a big fan. There’s a rattle from Hari I picked up that he plays with a lot too.

And then he’s tuckered out. He likes to be right in the center of the house where he can see everyone. If we go out of his sight, he chirps and then sometimes tries to fly to us. So then when we go to bed and have to put him inside the cage, he’ll take off up over the top of the cage and make us work for it. It’s a tall cage so we have to do a bit of chasing but its funny too.

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